Christopher E. Begley Receives Arts Education Leadership Honor for his Dedication to Supporting Wolfson Arts Students
CAP is thrilled to announce that Christopher E. Begley, principal of Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies, is the recipient of its inaugural Principal of the Arts Award.
This award recognizes principals who demonstrate exceptional commitment to delivering high-quality arts education for their students, grounded in data from CAP’s Landscape of Education in the Arts in Duval (LEAD) surveys and insights from the Florida Department of Education. From a list of the 21 top-performing principals, seven finalists were selected to be interviewed by a panel that ultimately determined the winner.

Pictured from left: Dr. Laurie Hoppock, Supervisor of the Arts, DCPS; Rachael Fortune, CEO, Jacksonville Public Education Fund; Andrew Begley; Kenneth Reddick, Executive Director, DCPS; Dr. Lucy Chen, VP Advocacy & Community Engagement, CAP; Principal Christopher E. Begley; Michelle Begley; Dr. Christopher Bernier, Superintendent, DCPS; Paula Renfro, Chief Academic Officer, DCPS; Scott Schneider, Chief of Schools, DCPS; Karen Feagins, VP, Client and Community Relations, PNC Bank; Dr. Dan Richard, Co-Director, FL Data Science for Social Good, UNF; Timothy Simmons, Region Superintendent, DCPS. Image credit: Khalifa Dieye, Assistant Principal, Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies
Begley scored high marks on the variety of arts programming offered and the level of arts support from his school’s community. Over the course of his tenure at Wolfson, Begley has taken concrete steps to foster a culture that values the arts, including purchasing new music equipment and having locker sections removed to make room for visual arts students’ exhibitions. He also makes a point to attend arts students’ extracurricular events on his personal time.
“Witnessing the impact on students seeing their principal at their competitions is very humbling for me,” he said. “I strongly believe the arts help students be academically successful because it teaches them a different type of personal discipline. Fine arts students apply those skills to their academic success.”
Principal Begley received the award and a $1,500 check on January 13 in a surprise celebration attended by students, teachers, school administration and the Wolfpack Marching Band and cheerleaders. Also in attendance were Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) Superintendent Dr. Christopher Bernier and other top DCPS officials; Rachael Fortune, CEO of Jacksonville Public Education Fund (JPEF); Dr. Dan Richard, co-director of FL Data Science for Social Good, UNF; and Karen Feagins, VP, Client and Community Relations at PNC Bank.

Principal Begley received a warm surprise welcome from Wolfson administrators, students, cheerleaders and the marching band. Image credit: Khalifa Dieye, Assistant Principal, Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies
Begley will also be recognized in March at JPEF’s Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year Reception.
Among the other finalists for the 2024 honor were Faith Roberts-Graham of Fort Caroline Elementary; Dean Ledford of Fletcher High School; Chelvert Wellington of Fort Caroline Middle School; Weisha Killette of Rufus Payne Elementary School; Tina Bennett of John E. Ford K-8; and Tammy Boyd of San Mateo Elementary. CAP applauds each of them for their exceptional leadership in providing outstanding arts education.