Everyone I’ve ever known who is raising a child longs for three things above all - for their child to be healthy, safe and...
Education Articles
New Superintendent Needs Support to Invest in Arts Education
Stating the long-term goal should be for every school to have art and music, Dr. Diana Greene made the strongest statement of...
The Arts Prevent Summer Learning Loss
Between undergrad and graduate studies, I took six years off to work. I’ve never forgotten going back to grad school and...
Your Brain on Arts
Americans of a certain age spend an estimated $1.3 billion annually on brain training games such as Lumosity as we grasp for...
Achievement in the Arts: Celebrating Creative Thinkers
Achievement in an art form is like achievement in anything else – when kids are challenged to perform better and work at it, they show improvement. Most children are not gifted at math but are taught early on that they must at least become proficient in it. It should be the same with the arts.
A Champion for the Arts: Jacksonville’s Superintendent Search
Policies at the district, state and federal levels all speak to the critical importance of quality arts education if we have any...
Arts Education for Juvenile Offenders
Actions have consequences. This truth underlay the “tough on crime” stance I long held toward youth involved in the criminal...
Arts Integration: An Education Reform Strategy Business Should Back
As 129,000 Duval County Public Schools students embark upon a new school year, laments about the poor quality of public...